Online University Course: INDONESIA
INDONESIA Self-Study Guide
Periodicals to Recommend for Your Library
Richard Fox - Draft Syllabus: A Critical Introduction to Indonesian Mass Media
ICG - Jihad in Central Sulawesi
US Department of State - Religious Freedom Report for Indonesia 2003
Adrian Vickers - The Country and the Cities
Michael Jacobsen - Chinese Muslims in Indonesia
Edward Aspinall and Harold Crouch - The Aceh Peace Process: Why it Failed
ICG - A Guide to the 2004 Elections
HRW - Aceh Under Martial Law: Inside the Secret War
HRW - Attacks and Restrictions on the Media in Aceh
Mayra Walsh - Pondok Pesantren dan Ajaran Golongan Islam Ekstrim
Karl Brandt - Mengapa Kebudayaan Masyarakat Kampung Komodo Terancam
Lisa Woinarksi - Pulau Serangan: Dampak Pembangunan pada Lingkungan dan Masyarakat
Ulla Keech-Marx - Komersialisasi Tenunan Songke: Dampaknya Terhadap Masyarakat Manggarai
Inez Mahony - The Role of Dukun in Contemporary East Java: A Case Study of Banyuwangi Dukun
Charlotte King - Dampak Peristiwa Situbondo, 10 Oktober 1996
John Psilopatis - Aremania: Dari Latar Belakang Hooliganisme ke Para Suporter Sepak Bola Teladan
Christopher Campbell - Purbakala di Jawa Timur
Kirrilee Hughes - Wajah Pers Malang
Jacqueline Baker - Laskar Jihad dan Mobilisasi dalam Konflik Maluku
Dylan Walsh - Kepercayaan Masyarakat Jawa Terhadap Gunung
Sally Asbanu - Narkoba atau Korupsi?
Ollie Jones - Kedudukan Wanita dalam Hukum Negara dan Hukum Islam
Paul Murray - Paul Murray - Hubungan Antara Manusia dan Binatang di Daerah Malang
ICG - The Perils of Private Security in Indonesia: Guards and Militias on Bali and Lombok
AI - Press Freedom Under Threat
AI - Briefing for Members of the Consultative Group on Indonesia
Keith Moor - Murder in Bali: Deadly Plot
Keith Moor - Murder in Bali: The Fatal Night (1)
Keith Moor - Murder in Bali: The Fatal Night (2)
Keith Moor - Murder in Bali: Catching the Bombers (1)
Keith Moor - Murder in Bali: Cathcing the Bombers (2)
Time - Asia's Terror Threat
IFES - Indonesia 2003 National Public Opinion Survey
IFES - Indonesia 2002 National Public Opinion Survey
IFES - Results of 2001 National Survey on Political Issues
IFES - Survey of the Indonesian Electorate Following the June 1999 Elections
IFES - Summary of Public Opinion Preceding the Parliamentary Elections in Indonesia - 1999
LP3ES - Survai tentang Popularitas Partai Menjelang Pemilu 2004
LP3ES - Survai Kandidat Presiden Menjelang Pemilu 2004
Vedi Hadiz and Richard Robison - Neo-Liberal Reforms and Illiberal Consolidations: The Indonesian Paradox
Paige Johnson Tan - Political Parties and the Consolidation of Democracy in Indonesia
Coen Husain Pontoh - The Political Adventure and Activity of Fathur Rohman Al-Ghozi
Terence Hull - Engaging Men in the Indonesian Reproductive Health Program
ICG - Jemaah Islamiyah in South East Asia: Damaged but Still Dangerous
Laurike Moelino - Sexual Risk Behaviour of Out-of-School Young Males in An Urban Slum: The Case of Duri Utara, Jakarta
Romanus Beni - Scientific Communication among Population Scientists in Indonesia
Elisabeth Schroeder-Butterfill - Pillars of the Family: Support Provided by the Elderly in Indonesia
Kim Dung Do-Le and Yulfita Raharjo - Community-based Support for the Elderly in Indonesia: The Case of PUSAKA
Tri Nuke Pudjiastuti - The Effect of Conflict on Migration in Indonesia Today
Randall A. Kramer, Sahat M.H. Simanjuntak, and Christopher Liese - Human Migration in North Sulawesi Fishing Communities
Aswatini Raharto - Indonesian Female Labour Migrants: Experiences Working Overseas
Elizabeth Frankenberg, Douglas McKee and Duncan Thomas - Health Consequences of Forest Fires in Indonesia
Irman G. Lanti - Back to the (Slightly Different) Future: Continuity and Change in Indonesian Politics
Muhammad Chatib Basri - Why Trends of Protection Changed Over Time in Indonesia?
Aris Ananta - The Impact of Migration Status on Household Financial Resilience During the Indonesian Crisis: A Case Study
Anthony L. Smith - Indonesia: One State, Many States, Chaotic State?
Federal Research Division, Library of Congress - Indonesia: A Country Study
Saluhidin Muhidin - The Population of Indonesia
Gerben Nooteboom - Wayward and Wagering: 'Orang Nakal' and Risk Taking in Rural East Java
Paulus Hadisuprapto - Attachment and Delinquency in Javanese Society
L.C. Soesanto - The Spectrum of Corporate Crime in Indonesia
Muhammad Mustofa - 'Siri' Phenomenon in Buginese-Makassarese Community, South Sulawesi
J.E. Sahetapy - Invisible Victims in Indonesia
Mardjono Reksodiputro - The State of Crime in Indonesia
Population Council - Facts About Adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey
Kuki Soejachmoen - Energy and Sustainable Development in Indonesia
World Resources Institute - State of the Forest: Indonesia
Sean Foley, Anton Soedjarwo, and Richard Pollard - Community-Based Sewage Systems in Malang
Ruth Walujan, Richard Hopkins, and Arie Istandar - Sanitation in Wonosobo
UNDP - Indonesia Human Development Report 2001
ADB - Integrated Vehicle Emission Reduction Strategy for Greater Jakarta
John Robert Wing - Development and Indigenous Welfare: The Impact of Development on the Population and Environment of the Indonesian Province of Irian Jaya
David Webster - "...Sampai Merauke": The Struggle for West New Guinea, 1960-1962
June Verrier - Australia, Papua New Guinea and the West New Guinea Question, 1949-1969
Agus Irianto Sumule - The Technology Adoption Behaviour of the Indigenous People of Irian Jaya: A Case Study of the Arfak Tribals
Michael C. Rumbiak - Nimboran Migration to Jayapura, Irian Jaya and Rural-Urban Ties
Peter Phelps - Australia, International Diplomacy and the West New Guinea Dispute, 1949-1962
Denise O'Brien - The Economics of Dani Marriage: An Analysis of Marriage Payments in a Highland New Guinea Society
Anna-Kerina Hermkens - The Way of the Objects: Analogical Inference and the Allocation of Meaning and Order in Lapita, Dongson and Lake Sentani Material Culture
Margaret Isabelle Haupt - Australian Policy towards the West New Guinea Dispute, 1945-1962
Leslie Butt - The Social and Political Life of Infants among the Baliem Valley Dani, Irian Jaya
Manuel Boissiere - Ethnobiologie et rapports à l'environnement des Yali d'Irian Jaya
Beverley Ann Blaskett - Papua New Guinea - Indonesia Relations: A New Perspective on the Border Conflict
Jennifer Bensley - The Dani Church of Irian Jaya and the Challenges It Is Facing Today
George Junus Aditjondro - Uncovering the Theory of Action of an Indonesian Community Development Agency (YPMD): A Case Study in Learning from Experience
Carolyn Diane Turinsky Cook - The Amung Way: the Subsistence Strategies, the Knowledge and the Dilemma of the Tsinga Valley People in Irian Jaya
Stuart Doran - Western Friends and Eastern Neighbours: West New Guinea and Australian Self-Perception in Relation to the United States, Britain and Southeast Asia, 1950-1962
Jim Elmslie - Irian Jaya in the 1990's: Economic Expansion and West Papuan Nationalism
David Bruener Eyde - Cultural Correlates of Warfare Among the Asmat of South-West New Guinea
Benny Giay - Zakheus Pakage and His Communities: Indigenous Religious Discourse, Socio-political Resistance, and Ethnohistory of the Me of Irian Jaya
Dale Gietzelt - Indonesia in West Papua: The Dynamics of Indonesianization
Todd S. Harple - Controlling the Dragon: An Ethno-historical Analysis of Social Engagement among the Kamoro of South-West New Guinea
S. Eben Kirksey - Saya Makan Sembarang (I Eat Anything): The Changing World of the Oge Bage Mee
S. Eben Kirksey - From Cannibal to Terrorist: State Violence: Indigenous Resistance and Representation in West Papua
Larry Miller Lake - Cultural Adaptation in Vernacular Literacy Programs of Irian Jaya
Michael McDowell - The Contextualization of Cargo Cult Beliefs and the Christian Message in Irian Jaya
Jason McLeod - Morning Star Rising: Maximising the Effectiveness of the Nonviolent Struggle in West Papua
Noakh Nawipa - The Concept of Hai among the Amungme in the South-Central Highlands of Irian Jaya
Larry Lee Naylor - Culture Change and Development in the Balim Valley, Irian Jaya
Martin O'Hare - The Indonesian Military in Irian Jaya
Danilyn Rutherford - Raiding the Land of the Foreigners: Power, History and Difference in Biak, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
John Saltford - UNTEA and UNRWI: United Nations Involvement in West New Guinea During the 1960's
Jaap Timmer - Living with Intricate Futures: Order and Confusion in Imyan Worlds, Irian Jaya
Kerry Zubrinich - Cosmology and Colonisation: History and Culture of the Asmat of Irian Jaya
Annie Feith - Strategies of Rule, Strategies of Resistance: Women and the West Papuan Nationalist Struggle
World Bank - Indonesian Environment Monitor
World Bank - Anti-Corruption Guide
World Bank - Decentralizing Indonesia
World Bank - Sukabumi Review
World Bank - Lombok Timur Review
World Bank - North Sumatra Review
Prasetyohadi - Mayoritas Masyarakat Maluku Mengdukung Pendekatan Penyelesaian Konflik 'Dari Bawah'
Gerry van Klinken - Indonesia's New Ethnic Elites
Indonesia Internet Business Community - Indonesia Cyber Industry and Market
Asvi Warman Adam - The Chinese in the Collective Memory of the Indonesian Nation
Rommel Curaming - Towards Reinventing Indonesian Nationalist Historiography
ICG - Aceh: How Not to Win Hearts and Minds
Widjono Ngoedijo - Disaster Mitigation in Decentralized Indonesia
Michael Kevane and David Levine - Are Investments in Daughters Lower When Daughters Move Away?
Paul Gertler, David Levine and Minnie Ames - Schooling and Parental Death
Maya Federman and David Levine - Effects of Industrialization on School Enrollment and Youth Employment in Indonesia
Edward Miguel, Paul Gertler and David Levine - Did Industrialization Destroy Social Capital in Indonesia?
David Levine and Minnie Ames - Gender Bias and the Indonesian Financial Crisis
Watch Indonesia - Handbuch Indonesia
ICG - Managing Decentralisation and Conflict in South Sulawesi
Amanda Rath - Cultural Sublimation: The Museumizing of Indonesia
Asia Foundation - Indonesia Rapid Decentralization Proposal
Asia Foundation - Citizens' Perceptions of the Indonesian Justice Sector
Asia Foundation and AC Nielsen - A Report on Public Opinion and the 2004 Elections in Indonesia
A. Lin Neumann - Aceh: Out of Sight
Simon Winchester - When the Earth Flexes Its Muscles
AI - Indonesia: Old Laws - New Prisoners of Conscience
HRW - A Return to the New Order: Political Prisoners in Megawati's Indonesia
Julia Suryakusuma - The Indonesian Psyche: Loss of Soul of a People and Nation
Julia Suryakusuma - Indonesian Perceptions of the West
Julia I. Suryakusuma and Paige Johnson Tan - A Reminder of Past Pledges
Julia I. Suryakusuma and Paige Johnson Tan - Leading Indonesia On
Paige Johnson Tan - Streams of Least Resistance: The Institutionalization of Political Parties and Democracy in Indonesia
Paige Johnson Tan - The Anti-Party Reaction in Indonesia: Causes and Implications
Luca Tacconi - Fires in Indonesia: Causes, Costs and Policy Implications
Willem Wolters - The Making of Civil Society in Historical Perspective
Ronald A. Lukens-Bull - Teaching Morality: Javanese Islamic Education in a Globalizing Era
Tatik S. Hafidz - The War On Terror And The Future Of Indonesian Democracy
Eduardo Lachica - Examining The Role of Foreign Assistance in Security Sector Reforms: The Indonesian CaseEugene Tan - Success amidst Prejudice?: Guanxi Networks in Chinese Businesses in Indonesia and Malaysia
Patricia Spyer - One Slip of the Pen: Some Notes on Writing Violence in Maluku
Tanya Murray Li - Articulating Indigenous Identity in Indonesia
H.W. Dick - Preface to 'Surabaya: City of Work'
Sophia Malkasian - Bersikeras Untuk Mati? Catatan Orang-orang Eropa tentang Kekerasan di Indonesia di Masa Pra-Kolonial
Clifford Geertz - The Near East in the Far East: Islam in Indonesia
John Roosa - A Power Grab Cloaked in Moralism
R. William Liddle - Indonesia in 2000: A Shaky Start for Democracy
R. William Liddle - Indonesia in 1999: Democracy Restored
R. William Liddle - Indonesia's Democratic Opening
R. William Liddle - 'My Name Is Abdurrahman Wahid'
R. William Liddle - Indonesia's Democratic Transition
Freek Colombijn - Explaining the Violent Solution in Indonesia
Outside Advisor #609 - Governmental Reform in Indonesia
Pramoedya Ananta Toer - My Apologies, In the Name of Experience
Benedict Anderson - What Happened in Indonesia?
Benedict Anderson - Census, Map, Museum
Julia Day Howell - Sufism and the Indonesian Islamic Revival
Dyah Kartikawening - Public Space Dynamic in Minangkabau Rural Areas
Arustyono - Promoting Rational Use of Drugs in Indonesia
Tito Imanda - 'Indonesian Comics Are Advanced’: The Challenges Faced by Indonesian Underground Comics Artists
Ninuk Kleden-Probonegoro - The Mamanda Theater and the Redefinition of the Banjar Identity
Ezra M. Choesin - Connectionism: An Alternative in Understanding the Dynamics of Local Knowledge in Globalization
Dedi Supriadi Adhuri - Between Village and Marga, A Choice of Structure: The Local Elites’ Behaviors in Lahat Regency, South Sumatera
Elizabeth Morrell - How Many Degrees of Separation? Observations from South Sulawesi
Minako Sakai - Land Dispute Resolution in the Political Reform at the time of Decentralization in Indonesia
Riwanto Tirtosudarmo - West Kalimantan as ‘Border Area’: A Political-Demography Perspective
Jamhari - Indonesian Fundamentalism?
Martin van Bruinessen - Yahudi sebagai Simbol dalam Wacana Islam Indonesia Masa Kini
Martin van Bruinessen - Islamic State or State Islam: Fifty Years of State-Islam Relations in Indonesia
Martin van Bruinessen - Muslims of the Dutch East Indies and the Caliphate Question
Martin van Bruinessen - Kurdish `Ulama and Their Indonesian Disciples
Martin van Bruinessen - Pesantren and Kitab Kuning: Maintenance and Continuation of a Tradition of Religious Learning
Martin van Bruinessen - Tarekat and Tarekat Teachers in Madurese Society
Martin van Bruinessen - Origins and Development of the Sufi Orders in Southeast Asia
Martin van Bruinessen - Muslims, Minorities and Modernity: The Restructuring of Heterodoxy in the Middle East and Southeast Asia
Martin van Bruinessen - Global and Local in Indonesian Islam
Douglas Myers - Outside Influences on the Music of Nusa Tenggara Timur
Jeroen de Kloet - Digitisation and Its Asian Discontents: The Internet, Politics and Hacking in China and Indonesia
Djayadi Hanan - Mencari Akar Kekerasan Militer di Aceh: 1989-1998
Ihsan Ali-Fauzi - Ambivalensi Sebagai Peluang: Agama, Kekerasan, Dan Upaya Perdamaian
Elizabeth Fuller Collins - Indonesia: Sebuah Budaya Kekerasan?
Parsudi Suparlan - Menuju Masyarakat Indonesia yang Multikultural
Christopher Duncan - Apa yang Terjadi Setelah Berhentinya Perang? Masa Depan Pengungsi Maluku Utara di Sulawesi Utara
Parsudi Suparlan - Kesukubangsaan dan Posisi Orang Cina dalam Masyarakat Majemuk Indonesia
AI - Protecting Rights in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam during the Military Emergency
AI - Aceh Under Martial Law: Human Rights Under Fire
Vedi Hadiz - Decentralisation and Democracy in Indonesia
Michael Jacobsen - The Inner Workings of Indonesian Regional Autonomy
Council on Foreign Relations - Peace and Progress in Papua
Sidney Jones - Aceh, Papua and Rising Nationalism in Indonesia
USINDO - Political Succession and the 2004 Election
Jubilee Campaign - Rinaldy Damanik Trial Transcripts
International Crisis Group - Aceh: Why The Military Option Still Won't Work
Amnesty International - Indonesia and Timor Leste: International Responsibility for Justice
Anne Loveband - Indonesian Migrant Women Workers in Contemporary Taiwan
Herb Thompson - Indonesia: The Denouement of Forest Management Following Economic, Environmental and Political Crises
International Crisis Group - Dividing Papua: How Not To Do It
US Department of State - Human Rights Practices: Indonesia 2002
Robert Weber, Heiko Faust and Werner Kreisel - Impacts of the Dutch Rule in Palu and Kulawi Valley 1905-1942
Endriatmo Soetarto - The 'Cultural Core' in Multi Ethnic Communities and Its Impact on Agrarian Resource Management
Robert Weber - Does Migration lead to Destabilization of Forest Margins? Evidence from Central Sulawesi
John Saltford - United Nations Involvement with the Act of Self-Determination in West Irian
WWF - Climate Change Scenarios for Indonesia
The Bulletin and Rin Hindriyati - Allah's Assassins
Mohammad Fajrul Falaakh - Islam in Pluralist Indonesia: Challenges Ahead
East Timor Serious Crimes Unit - Indictment of Wiranto cs for Crimes Against Humanity
International Crisis Group - Aceh: A Fragile Peace
George J. Aditjondro - Orang-orang Jakarta di Balik Tragedi Maluku
George J. Aditjondro - Poso: Al-Qaeda atau Permainan Tentara?
OCHA - Coordinated Appeal for Internally Displaced Persons in Indonesia
Kathleen Turner - Ideological Perceptions of Ethnic Conflict in Ambon
European Commission - Report of the EC Conflict Prevention Assessment Mission to Indonesia
World Bank Brief for the Consultative Group on Indonesia - Maintaining Stability, Deepening Reforms
Gene Ammarell - Bugis Migration and Modes of Adaptation to Local Situations
World Bank - Sustainable Poverty Reduction in Indonesia
Human Rights Watch - Without Remedy: Human Rights Abuse and Indonesia's Pulp and Paper Industry
Amnesty International - Grave Human Rights Violations in Wasior, Papua
World Bank - Promoting Peaceful Development in Aceh
Liz Chidley - Forests, People and Rights
Michael Jacobsen - On Factionalism and Secessionism in North Sulawesi
Vivienne Wee - Atavism, Ethnicity and Indigenism in Riau
Stephen Sherlock - The Bali Bombing: What It Means for Indonesia
Martin van Bruinessen - Genealogies of Islamic Radicalism in Post-Soeharto Indonesia
International Crisis Group - How the Jemaah Islamiyah Terrorist Network Operates
International Crisis Group - Al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia: The Case of the "Ngruki Network" in Indonesia
Angel Rabasa and John Haseman - The Military and Democracy in Indonesia
Human Rights Watch - Four Years of Communal Violence in Central Sulawesi
Michael Ross - Resources and Rebellion in Aceh
John McCarthy - Power and Interest on Sumatra's Rainforest Frontier
Jacques Bertrand - Ethnonationalist Movements in Indonesia
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