Online University Course: CURRENT CONTROVERSIES
Periodicals to Recommend for Your Library
FAO - The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2003
World Bank - World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People
UNAIDS - AIDS Epidemic Update, December 2003
IFES - Representation of Women in National Elected Institutions
AI - Democratic Republic of Congo: Children at War
HRW - Broken Promises: Impediments to Refugee Return to Croatia
HRW - Locked Doors: The Human Rights of People Living with HIV/AIDS in China
HRW - Struggling Through Peace: Return and Resettlement in Angola
HRW - Just Die Quietly: Domestic Violence and Women’s Vulnerability to HIV in Uganda
ICG - Sierra Leone: The State of Security and Governance
ICG - Crisis Watch No. 1
Madeleine Albright - Bridges, Bombs, or Bluster?
James Rubin - Stumbling into War
Fouad Ajami - The Falseness of Anti-Americanism
AI - Namibia: The Caprivi Treason Trial
AI - Mexico: Intolerable Killings
HRW - Struggling Through Peace: Return and Resettlement in Angola
HRW - Just Die Quietly: Domestic Violence and Women’s Vulnerability to HIV in Uganda
HRW - Trapped between Two Wars: Violence Against Civilians in Western Côte d’Ivoire
ICG - Moldova: No Quick Fix
Dawn Miller - Security at What Cost? Arms Transfers to the Developing World and Human Rights
Daniel Byman - Measuring the Effectiveness of the War on Terrorism
Pew Global Attitudes Project - Views of A Changing World 2003
Pew Global Attitudes Project - America’s Image Further Erodes, Europeans Want Weaker Ties
Pew Global Attitudes Project - What the World Thinks in 2002
BBC - US scours airports for missile threat
SMH - Embassy bomb suspects tied to al-Qaeda, says military
ICG - The Special Court for Sierra Leone: Promises and Pitfalls of a 'New Model'
ICG - North Korea: A Phased Negotiation Strategy
David Brooks - The Transformer
Rand Corporation - Headlines Over the Horizon
AI - El Salvador: Where Are the "Disappeared" Children?
HRW - Mexico: Justice in Jeopardy
Heritage Foundation - 2003 Index of Economic Freedom
Louis Menand - The Devil's Disciples
ICG - Serbian Reform Stalls Again
ICG - Colombia’s Humanitarian Crisis
ICG - Decision Time in Zimbabwe
HRW - Small Arms and Human Rights: The Need for Global Action
HRW - Colombia: Human Rights Certification Under Public Law 108-7
HRW - Covered in Blood: Ethnically Targeted Violence In Northeastern DR Congo
Helen Epstein - AIDS in South Africa: The Invisible Cure
David Noonan - You Want Statins With That?
Geoffrey Cowley - Hope for Africa
The Nation - Humanitarian Intervention: A Forum
Jerry Berman and Lara Flynt - Guiding Lights: Intelligence Oversight and Control for the Challenge of Terrorism
James X. Dempsey - What E-Government Means for Those of Us Who Cannot Type
World Bank - World Development Report 2004 Web Draft
Raad Alkadiri and Fareed Mohamedi - World Oil Markets and the Invasion of Iraq
Morton Abramowitz and Stephen Bosworth - Adjusting to the New Asia
Steven Philip Kramer - Blair's Britain After Iraq
Jessica Stern - The Protean Enemy
Kenneth M. Pollack - Securing the Gulf
David Van Biema - Missionaries Under Cover
Akiko Fukushima - Understanding and Addressing the Underlying Causes of International Terrorism
Jeff Faux - How NAFTA Failed Mexico
Drake Bennett - How the Neocons Are Promoting Nuclear Proliferation
John Bowen - Should We Have a Universal Concept of "Indigenous Peoples' Rights"?
Clifford Geertz - Primordial Loyalties and Standing Entities
Michael Elliott - Sharon's Game
ICG - Nepal: Obstacles to Peace
Thomas Omestad - Gulag Nation
Benedict Anderson - Western Nationalism and Eastern Nationalism
ICG - Congo Crisis: Military Intervention in Ituri
Rodger Yeager and Stuart Kingman - HIV/AIDS: Destabilising National Security and the Multi-National Response
US Department of State - Trafficking in Persons Report 2003
Valdis E. Krebs - Uncloaking Terrorist Networks
Shanthi Kalathil and Taylor C. Boas - Open Networks, Closed Regimes: The Impact of the Internet on Authoritarian Rule
Liza Tsaliki - Electronic Citizenship and Global Social Movements
Simson L. Garfinkel - Leaderless Resistance Today
Loong Wong - Belonging and Diaspora: The Chinese and the Internet
Michael A. Keller, Victoria A. Reich, and Andrew C. Herkovic - What Is A Library Anymore, Anyway?
Minxin Pei - The Paradoxes of American Nationalism
Committee for Coordination on Disappearances in Punjab - Reduced to Ashes: The Insurgency and Human Rights in Punjab
Pew Oceans Commission - America's Living Oceans
Pew Center on Global Climate Change - Forests & Global Climate Change
AI - Belgium: Alleged Police Ill-treatment
AI - Cuba: Essential Measures? Human Rights Crackdown in the Name of Security
AI - Americas: International Report 2003
AI - Africa: International Report 2003
ICG - Taiwan Strait III: The Chance of Peace
ICG - Taiwan Strait II: The Risk of War
ICG - Taiwan Strait I: What's Left of 'One China'?
HRW - Under a Shadow: Civil and Political Rights in Zimbabwe
Canadian Security Intelligence Service - 2002 Public Report
Matt Ridley - What Makes You Who You Are
U.S. Committee for Refugees - The World Refugee Survey 2003
David E. Kaplan
- Playing Offense
AI - Zimbabwe: Rights under Siege
AI - Peru: The "Anti-Terrorism" Legislation and Its Effects
AI - A Catalogue of Failures: G8 Arms Exports and Human Rights Violations
HRW - Caught in the Crossfire: Freedom of Expression in Venezuela
HRW - Use of Administrative Detention in the 2003 Armenian Presidential Election
ICG - Rwandan Hutu Rebels in the Congo
George Scialabba - The Blame Game
Owen R. Cote, Jr. - Weapons of Mass Confusion
J.M. Coetzee - Victims
General Accounting Office - Homeland Security: Justice Department's Project to Interview Aliens after September 11, 2001
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom - Report on The Russian Federation 2003
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom - Annual Report 2003
Human Rights Watch - “We Don’t Want to Be Refugees Again”
Anatol Lieven - A Trap of Their Own Making
Save the Children - State of the World's Mothers 2003
US Department of State - Patterns of Global Terrorism 2002: Western Hemisphere Overview
US Department of State - Patterns of Global Terrorism 2002: Africa Overview
International Crisis Group - Tackling Liberia: The Eye of the Regional Storm
Victor D. Cha and David C. Kang - The Korea Crisis
Bradley Kiesling - Athens in Wartime
Brian Urquhart - The Rights Stuff
Ronald Dworkin - The Court and the University
Michael J. Glennon - Why the Security Council Failed
Leslie H. Gelb and Justine A. Rosenthal - The Rise of Ethics in Foreign Policy: Reaching a Values Consensus
John Judis - Putting Liberty First: The Case Against Democracy
Amnesty International - Concerns Relevant to the International Labour Conference 2003
Human Rights Watch - Abuses Against Detained Children in Northern Brazil
Human Rights Watch - Fleeting Refuge: Dutch Asylum Policy
David Remnick - War Without End?
Bernard Lewis - I'm Right, You're Wrong, Go to Hell
Kanishka Jayasuriya - Governance, Post Washington Consensus and the New Anti Politics
International Crisis Group - Nepal: Ceasefire – Soft Landing or Strategic Pause?
David Remnick - How the Gulag Grew
Ian Buruma - Revolution from Above
International Crisis Group - Colombia and its Neighbours: The Tentacles of Instability
US Department of State - Human Rights Practices: North Korea
International Crisis Group - Angola's Choice: Reform or Regress
Human Rights Watch - Rwanda: Lasting Wounds
Human Rights Watch - Uganda: Stolen Children
Human Rights Watch - Ukraine: Negotiating the News
Committee to Protect Journalists - Dangerous Assignments
Committee to Protect Journalists - Attacks on the Press in 2002
Oxfam Community Aid Abroad - Tunnel Vision: Women, Mining and Communities
The Economist - Biotechnology
Human Rights Watch - In the Name of Counter-Terrorism: Human Rights Abuses Worldwide
Harold Meyerson - America and Europe: Clash of Civilizations
Doris Lessing - The Jewel of Africa
Tony Judt - America and the World
Thomas Riehle - American Colossus
Marina Ottaway - Promoting Democracy in the Middle East: The Problem of US Credibility
Rose Gottemueller - Beyond Arms Control: How to Deal with Nuclear Weapons
Ted Gup - Useful Secrets
International Crisis Group - Serbia After Djindjic
Lewis Lapham - The Road to Babylon
Nuclear Threat Initiative - Controlling Nuclear Warheads and Materials
Tony Judt - The Way We Live Now
Thomas Powers - War and Its Consequences
International Crisis Group - Zimbabwe: Danger and Opportunity
Perry Anderson - Casuistries of Peace and War
International Crisis Group - Dealing with Savimbi's Ghost: The Security and Humanitarian Challenges in Angola
George Perkovich - Bush's Nuclear Revolution: A Regime Change in Nonproliferation
James T. Laney and Jason T. Shaplen - How to Deal With North Korea
Peter Daily - Haiti: The Fall of the House of Aristide
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch - Truth and Justice: Unfinished Business in South Africa
Human Rights Watch - International Humanitarian Law Issues In A Potential War In Iraq
The Economist - Brazil: Make or Break
Jonathan Schell - The Will of the World
Jonathan Schell - The Case Against the War
Conor Gearty - How Did Blair Get Here?
Fintan O'Toole - The Taming of a Terrorist
John Barry and Evan Thomas - Boots, Bytes and Bombs
Richard Wolffe and Daniel Klaidman - Judging the Case for War
Carl Kaysen et al - War with Iraq
Jeffrey Goldberg - The Unknown
Ian O. Lesser et al - Countering the New Terrorism
Economist - The Internet Society
Economist - It Should Have Been So Simple
International Crisis Group - Forgotten Crucible of the Congo Conflict
Human Rights Watch - Small Change: Bonded Child Labor in India's Silk Industry
Moises Naim - The Five Wars of Globalization
BBC - The Global Drugs Trade
U.S. Department of State - Trafficking in Persons Report 2002
Transparency International - Global Corruption Report 2003
International Labour Office - Global Employment Trends
Suki Kim - A Visit to North Korea
Jagdish Bhagwati - Borders Beyond Control
Ellen Laipson - While America Slept
U.S, News & World Report - Spy Stories
Asia Times - War and Terror
K.J. Rajasingham - Untold Story: A Tamil History of Sri Lanka
Seymour Hersh - The Cold Test: What the Administration Knew
Wendy Bacaon and Chris Nash - How the Australian Media Cover Humanitarian, Aid and Development Issues
Human Rights Watch - The Invisible Exodus: North Koreans in the People's Republic of China
Romesh Ratnesar - How Dangerous Is North Korea?
Madiha Murshed - Unraveling Child Labor and Labor Legislation
Judy Barsalou - Islamic Extremists: How Do They Mobilize Support?
Laith Kubba, Muqtedar Khan, Mahmood Monshipuri and Neil Hicks - Islam and Democracy
Chicago Council on Foreign Relations and German Marshall Fund - Worldview 2002 Survey of European and US Attitudes
David Hendrickson - The Dangerous Quest for Absolute Security
Government of the United Kingdom - Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction
Norman Levin and Yong-Sup Han - Sunshine in Korea
Freedom House - Freedom in the World 2002
Gene Shackman, Xun Liu and Ya-Lin Wang - World Socio-Demographic Trends
Gene Shackman, Xun Liu and Ya-Lin Wang - World Basic Demographic Trends
Seymour Hersh - Manhunt
Marc Lynch - Using and Abusing the UN, Redux
Robert Blendon et al - The Public and the Smallpox Threat
Amnesty International - Killing the Future: Children in the Line of Fire
Human Rights Watch - Cluster Bombs and Their Use by the US in Afghanistan
Daniel Treisman - Russia Renewed?
John Mearshimer and Stephen Walt - An Unnecessary War
Amos Elon - Israelis and Palestinians: What Went Wrong?
Brian Urquhart - The Prospect of War
Kenneth Maxwell - Brazil: Lula's Prospects
The White House - The National Security Strategy of the United States of America
Joseph Boyle - Traditional Just War Doctrine and Humanitarian Intervention
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